Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mt.19, 14
The mission of Religious Education at St. Mary Star of the Sea is to assist families with the Catholic faith formation and education of their children. We have an 8 year spiral curriculum from Levels 1 – 8, as well as a high school component. We welcome students at every level and are happy to help families wherever they are on their faith journey.
We follow the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Chicago and require a minimum of two full years of Religious Education classes prior to a child’s reception of each sacrament.
Our classes meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM – 7:45 PM. We begin at the end of August and continue through April. Our registration process is currently CLOSED.
Registrations for 2025-2026 Religious Education year will open in May 2025 and will continue through June 16, 2025. Classes will start the last week of August 2025. Information for upcoming registrations will become available in this site, on our Sunday bulletin and pulpit announcements at each mass.
Here are the links for our 2024-2025 calendar, detailed monthly calendar, Special Sacraments class calendar and 2024-2025 policy handbook:
Monthly Detailed Calendar 2024-2025 POLICY HANDBOOK
Special Sacraments Calendar (SSC)
For more detailed information the Religious Education office at 773.767.7078 (must leave a message) or email [email protected]
Mrs. Edith Robles,
Director of Religious Education
Nuestras clases se llevan a cabo los miércoles por la tarde de 6:00 p. m. a 7:45 p. m. Comenzamos a fines de Agosto y continuamos hasta Abril. Nuestro proceso de inscripción está CERRADO.
Catechists are members of the St. Mary Star of the Sea parish community who desire to share their own journey of faith with your children. We request that you support what is done in the classroom by talking about our Catholic faith in your home. We ask for your continued prayers and support as the catechists commit themselves to this special ministry. We are always looking for adults to help in the classroom or in the office. If you are interested, please call (773) 767-7078, or email [email protected]
School Building, South Entrance – Door #13